How to install led line lights to make them live longer?
Release date:2018-02-28 Author:丰景灯饰 Click:32
1. Selection of led line lamps.
First of all, the thickness of the kanban, general principles, the thicker the PCB, the lamp of the flexibility, the better, the product of heat dissipation is better, so you get light lamp tape, can use the hand gently flexed, but note that the bending is not greater than 90 degrees, otherwise may damage the lamp. Look at the flexibility and thickness of PCB board, generally good products will use the double layer PCB board, feel the touch more thick. After that, you can light the lamp for a period of time, and when it is lit, you can also bend the lamp belt to avoid the light welding. If the solder joints are not strong enough, a long period of lighting may cause a set or array of lights to fail. Light also can touch lamp tape, see how the temperature, if very hot, so the quality of the lamp with worthy of careful consideration, because temperature is very high, one is the product of heat do not good, another can accelerate the oxidation of light band, to speed up the light of the lamp with failure, as a result, reduce the service life of the article lamp.
2. Correct installation using led line lamp.
When the lamp belt is installed, must pay attention to the working environment of the lamp bar, if the environment is to be relatively dry, suggest use not waterproof is ok. If it is wet, it is advisable to use water repellent. The product should avoid long time in high temperature, wet environment, use some necessary protective measures, and reinforce the fixed lamp belt. Waterproof lamp belt, it is common to have the glue waterproof, the casing is waterproof, the glue is waterproof. Glue belongs to simple waterproof, now most of the epoxy coating, in the sunlight and use cases for a long time, the surface will be yellow, if customer mind, might as well can choose waterproof casing, casing type silicone material, usually yellow plate. The waterproof product is the best waterproof product, which can be used in the swimming pool, ice sculpture and other products that need to be completely waterproof. Since the lamp is a low-voltage product, the installation is not recommended in series, preferably in parallel. In this case, there will be no pressure drop.
Finally, if you want to use led lamp line of longer life, also should pay attention to its maintenance and maintenance, when not in use at ordinary times, want to turn off the switch, at the same time, found that the bad weather, also pay attention to the use of safety.
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Key words:Led线条灯,线条灯厂家,亮化灯具厂家
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