From what aspect can distinguish the quality of Led line lamp?
Release date:2018-04-02 Author:丰景小编 Click:
Now Led lamp line design is full of beautiful things in eyes, many manufacturers to promote their business, the line of light are of good quality, low cost, long service life, etc., and some of the high cost of "brand", whether we want to how to distinguish the stand or fall of line lamp, from which points to the analysis, that the problem line lamp manufacturers to collect a large amount of information to to you.
Fengjing Led line lamp.
Number one: look at the glue.
Led lamp line in one year there is such a serious yellowing phenomenon because of poor glue materials, there are a lot of in the name of the waterproof PU adhesive to sell inferior glue, waterproof properties is poor, easy yellowed dimmed, the same as normal, it is waterproof PU glue the prices are far, basically is more than double the price.
Number two: look at aluminum.
Ultra thin aluminium material is easy to change type, in the aluminium material of line lamp is chosen, the manufacturer of formal manufacturer first will consider the heat dissipation performance is good, do you think aluminium material is thicker the better? Actually otherwise, your makeup, foundation is thicker the more good-looking? Certainly not, aluminum if you want to do it is not easy to deformation, good heat dissipation, must choose moderate thickness, cannot say blindly want the thicker the aluminum, the better, if the line light aluminum heat dissipation, the better the thinner? NO! The thinner the aluminum, the worse the heat dissipation, easy to extrude deformation when installing, so it is not necessary to cut corners! In addition, it is a question of cost performance. If you want to have a high price ratio, the manufacturer must control it fairly well.
Tips 3: look at the solder joints.
The LED light belt produced by the manufacturer of normal LED light belt is produced by SMT patch and solder paste and reflow soldering process. Therefore, the solder of LED lamp is relatively smooth and the solder flux is not much. The welding spot is arc shaped from FPC solder to the LED electrode. However, the amount of solder solder in the shanzhai LED lamp is not uniform, which is more than one dot to cover the welding feet. At the same time, there will be different degrees of tin tip, which is a typical phenomenon of manual welding.
Tips 4: look at the light bulb components.
In the industry, the packaging manufacturer is famous for the same few, what corrie-puri - Japan - Taiwan crystal, but can you tell if this is the brand chip you got? Some lost conscience line lamp manufacturers how good his quote billed as raw material, with a few cents to pretend to be a big brand of chip to sell, but the price law in fact, what good could buy cheap goods? The customer is also self-deceiving, willing to be cheated, small make up also drunk.
Tips 5: see the attachment.
The normal LED light belt will be enclosed with the instructions and the lamp ribbon specification, and will be equipped with LED lamp belt connector or card holder. However, there are no such accessories in the shanzhai version of the LED light boxes, because some manufacturers can still save them.
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Key words:Led线条灯,线条灯厂家,亮化灯具厂家
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